Programming Test Engineer

Candy Hoover Euroasia Ev Gereçleri San. Tic. A.Ş. - Programming Test Engineer

Job Detail

Core activities:

  • Managing the processes of commissioning test and programming equipment, ensuring their continuity, driving improvements and developments, and providing related training.
  • Managing the processes of entering, modifying, and controlling the test specification data of existing machines
  • Developing and implementing new test methods suitable for quality and production requirements.
  • Standardize the equipment to the best version available
  • Develop procedures for the acceptance and validation of the new equipment
  • Organize and coordinate the direction of work to establish and maintain relationships
  • Create value, improve efficiency and establish new standards for testing
  • Have a vision for future new technologies and define the next step in testing area
Desired Skills and Specializations

Must have:

  • Bachelor or Master’s degree in engineering field (Electrical Electronics, Electronic Communication , Industrial)
  • Fluent English knowledge
  • Programming and automation skills, C#, PLC, OPC, SQL, IoT, Cloud
  • Electrical skills

Soft Skills:

  • Excellent time management and prioritization
  • Attention to details and curiosity for new challenges
  • Very good relationship skills (critical interaction with others)
  • Leadership, initiative, and positive attitude
  • Analytical and logical mindset
  • High level of autonomy
  • Good knowledge of root cause investigation and problem-solving methodologies
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Listing Date
Employment Type
Full Time
Electrical electronics Engineer, Industrial Engineer, System Test Engineer, Test Engineer, Software Test Engineer
Education Level
University (Graduate), Master (Graduate), Doctorate/PHD (Graduate)
Candy Hoover Euroasia Ev Gereçleri San. Tic. A.Ş. Jobs
Benzer İlan Aramaları Candy Hoover Euroasia Ev Gereçleri San. Tic. A.Ş., Programming Test Engineer arıyor. İlana başvuru yapabilmeniz için'a kayıtlı CV'nizin olması gerekmektedir. CV'niz yoksa CV Oluştur linkinden oluşturabilirsiniz.'a iş arayan girişi yaptıktan sonra "Başvuru Yap" butonuna tıklayarak iş başvurusu yapabilirsiniz. Bu ilana benzer ilanları görmek için aşağıdaki linklere tıklayabilirsiniz.
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