Sales Specialist

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Gerede Jelatin Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. - Sales Specialist

Job Detail

We are looking for a "Sales Specialist" with the following qualifications to work in the sales department of our company that produces and exports edible animal food products.

  • Make price studies for customer demands and create offers on the system,
  • Prepare order confirmation documents and offer documents and send them to customers,
  • Follow up the offer offer and convert leads into sales,
  • Control the price of customer orders,
  • Make necessary follow-ups in order to fulfill customer orders, customer requets and questions quickly and accurately,
  • Follow up after sales services,
  • Prepare reports and presentations of sales, offer status processes,
  • Daily/Week/Mountly reporting regarding sales activities and progress,
  • Collaborating with team members and order departments to ensure timely and complete execution of tasks,
  • Following customs regulations, following customs documents,
  • Freight tracking, coordination of loadings,
  • Consulting with production planning, organization of loadings,
  • Ensuring that loading documentes reach the customer correctly and on time,
  • Managing fair organizations (Fair follow-up, payment, stand construction, travel planning, etc.),
  • Creating monthly shipment planning and informing the customer about the loading actions.
Desired Skills and Specializations
  • Graduated from Universities Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences or related faculities,
  • Fluent in English, bilingual candidates will be prioritized (Especially Arabic, Russian, German, French and Spanish),
  • Expert user in MS Office applications and have experiens in SAP,
  • Valid driving license and no obstacle for traveling for domestic&abroad visits,
  • Strong analycial skills and effective communication and negotiation skills,
  • Willing to improve himself / herself and highly self-motivated,
  • Customer oriented, able to manage time and resources,
  • Experienced or inexperienced (to be trained),
  • Working place is in İstanbul or Bolu.
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Listing Date
Employment Type
Full Time
Sales director, Sales Coordinator, Sales manager, Sales expert, Sales Director Assistant, Assistant Sales Manager
Education Level
University (Graduate), Master (Graduate), Doctorate/PHD (Graduate)
Gerede Jelatin Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. Jobs
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