International Patient Relations Specialist

Medkor Sağlık ve Bilişim Hizmetleri - International Patient Relations Specialist

Job Detail

We are looking for Patient Relations Specialists to provide high-quality service to our Clinic patients who are staying at the hotel.

  • Welcoming patient in a friendly and professional way
  • Addressing and escalating patient complaints
  • Providing information about facilities, programs and other service
  • Reviewing arrival lists to welcome patients,
  • Attending to our patients and answer their inquiries,
  • Providing information about amenities, area and venues and promoting our services,
  • Anticipating patient needs and build rapport with patients,
  • Offering assistance with certain tasks,
  • Addressing patient complaints and escalate to the Manager when needed,
  • Recording information,
  • Ensuring compliance with health and quality standards.

Your goal will be to ensure our patients enjoy themselves, enjoy our service and plan to come back to our Clinic.

Desired Skills and Specializations
  • Experience in Tourism sector,
  • Familiarity with hospitality industry standards,
  • Proficiency in English is a must; knowledge of additional languages is a plus,
  • Computer literacy,
  • A customer-oriented and professional attitude,
  • An outgoing personality,
  • Outstanding communication abilities,
  • Excellent organizational and time-management skills,
  • Diploma in Hospitality Management is preferred.
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Listing Date
Employment Type
Full Time
Number of Open Positions
Patient Relations Officer, Patient Relationships Responsible, International Patient Relations Officer, International Patient Relations Specialist
Reference No
Education Level
University (Graduate), Master (Graduate), Doctorate/PHD (Graduate)
Medkor Sağlık ve Bilişim Hizmetleri Jobs
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